M 6.8 - 149 km WNW of Corral, Chile



  1. Processing this event now. Looking at the regions magnetic polarity versus what was over head, will show you WHO KNOWS earthquakes, and who just SHOOTS AT THE HIP.... This event is a DEFINITE Magnetic Region Swapping event.

  2. Neptune at Epicenter Median during Lunar Elongation to Neptune, and COMBINATIONAL GEOMETRY = Venus at Lunar Opposition. (Determining Venus Magnetic resonating polarity now)

  3. Neptune and Venus at Elongation to one another.

  4. Neptune Magnetically effects BLUE regions, unless there is a Combinational Geometry with another rock body resonator, OR Jovian of the OPPOSITE MAGNETIC POLARITY. (https://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/historical_declination/)

  5. Considering the Solar Wind Speed at Venus, and at the Moon we observe that the Moon is Positive(RED) = 467km p/s and Venus is Negative (BLUE) = <250 km p/s

  6. Epicenter location is NOT a volcano, so probably NOT Venus, as Opposing or Summarized Driver. Jupiter and Sun (Earth-facing) are both Positive. And are both at Lunar Resonant Geometries today, in order to be considered for region swapping, the geometries must be either Lunar Resonant Geometries OR Combinational Geometries related to one of the Drivers that are at Lunar Resonant Geometries today.


  7. THIS IS A ROUGH ANALYSIS, @ the time of the event, in the EPICENTER SKYVIEW, Saturn and Uranus are both at 45 degrees away from Epicenter Median, with the Median splitting Saturn and Uranus, AND Saturn and Uranus are Magnetically Opposing currently.

  8. Saturn has a Lunar Resonant Geometry ///// And this event is 6.8m, so the force resulted is about the magnitude of 1 Jovian and 1 Rock Body OR TWO JOVAIN GAS GIANTS

  9. ANALYSIS COMPLETED: Saturn at 120 degrees from the Moon(LUNAR GEOMETRY) and Uranus is at Western Elongation to Saturn (COMBINATIONAL GEOMETTRY) --> Completing Event Analysis report and Publishing my results in the next few minutes or so.

  10. COMPLETED ANALYSIS --> http://www.extendingmilankovitch.com/2020/12/m-68-149-km-wnw-of-corral-chile.html

  11. VOLCANO ANALYSIS --> http://www.extendingmilankovitch.com/2020/12/kilauea-volcano-analysis.html


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